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Feb 26, 2024 
A Conversation with the Lord Mayor of the City of London, Michael Maineffi
Hosted by Marsh McLennan Agency

The Lord Mayor made some opening remarks that were followed by a question and answer session, moderated by Jerry Alderman, President of BABCNE. The Lord Mayor gave a fascinating look inside the role of the Lord Mayor and the role of the City of London Corporation.  All were impressed by the extensive depth and breadth of knowledge he holds on the historical and modern contexts of business across his square mile (which was acknowledged as neither square, nor a mile!) and the wider UK.


In the US, the City of London Corporation is represented by US Managing Director, Ed Price, who would welcome contact from companies with/seeking investment opportunities in The City.


If you are not yet a member of the BABCNE and want access to events like this… lets chat!  I can be reached on 617 943 7861.


All the best,

Urszula Wojciechowska, Executive Director

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