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March 7, 2024 
In Celebration of International Women's Day:
"What is ahead for Women's Entrepreneurship?"

What a fantastic evening with inspiring, accomplished, and outspoken women on the eve of International Women's Day!

So many #smiles and #wows as we had the honor of co-hosting a wonderfully engaging panel discussion and networking event to celebrate International Women's Day with an incredibly talented group of women entrepreneurs! While the topic was serious (What's Ahead for Women in Entrepreneurship?) the overall message was that ✔ grit ✔ hard work ✔ fearlessness ✔ (a little) craziness ✔ enthusiasm ✔ support network ✔ mentor & coach, will get you very far!

Thank you for your insightful experiences and fun, Floris Engelhardt, Marie Meslin, Darlene Hollywood, Past BABCNE President, Kaarina Kvaavik and Kara Lund, our moderator.

Thank you Joséphine Fédou Grison and Ipsen team for joining us and sponsoring our evening celebration!

Thank you Maud Albrieux-Hollaender, Karen Pevenstein, Nicole Ferry-Lacchia, Emily Westhoven, Magdalena Huber, Maja Dahlberg and Urszula Wojciechowska, M.B.E. for being wonderful partners as always.

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